Green Supply Chain planning - the start of corporate social responsibility (CSR)

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Green supply chain planning is a core part of any organization’s sustainable development strategy. It helps organizations understand the environmental impact of their operations, and plan for improvement. By reducing emissions, waste, and other forms of pollution, green supply chains can help businesses reduce costs while simultaneously increasing efficiency and sustainability across their entire value chain. 

Green supply chain planning is an environmental strategy for businesses that focuses on reducing the negative impacts of their operations and increasing sustainability. This involves incorporating eco-friendly practices into traditional supply chains management processes, such as procurement, inventory management, and distribution. Implementing a green supply chain plan can help organizations reduce their carbon footprint, create cost savings and improve their reputations with customers.

Organizations must also look for opportunities to use renewable resources such as organic cotton or bamboo products instead of conventional ones whenever possible.

Green supply chain planning involves understanding each stage in the process from raw material sourcing to end-of-life product disposal. During this analysis, organizations should identify opportunities to reduce the negative impacts on the environment based on current practices. 

This may involve introducing new materials or processes that have lower carbon footprints or exploring more efficient ways to manage waste streams. Additionally, companies should also consider innovations such as digitalization, automation, and predictive analytics to further improve performance and increase overall sustainability outcomes.

The first step in creating a green supply chain plan is to analyze existing processes to identify areas that could be improved from an environmental perspective. Organizations should assess everything from the materials used in production to the energy sources used for manufacturing and transportation. 

Once improvements are identified, companies must then set targets for reducing waste, emissions, and energy consumption while ensuring service levels remain high.

The green supply chain aims to minimize the supply chain’s effect on the environment. So here comes the new frame of mind towards the Green supply chain. But if we are talking about results. Nobody wants fewer results. So we aim to get the same results from this new mindset in the green supply chain. How? You will know this in the parts given below.

Green supply chain planning, Software Development Estimates

“One of us said why don’t we use the chain as the missing link, so let us call our concept Supply – chain – management.”  Dr. Partsch

Green supply chain planning is a key component of sustainability initiatives across many industries and businesses. As an organization strives to reduce its environmental impact, green supply chain planning is a logical starting point. In order to truly create sustainability among its operations, the organization needs to look at every step in their supply chain from raw material acquisition to delivery of the final product and beyond.

Green supply chain management includes processes such as selecting suppliers with sustainable practices, reducing energy consumption in transportation methods, and ensuring that waste materials are recycled or reused appropriately.

It also involves creating long-term relationships with vendors who share the company’s commitment to sustainability. By proactively managing the whole process of obtaining materials and producing goods, organizations can reduce their carbon footprint while still meeting customer expectations for quality products delivered on time and at competitive prices.

About the Authors

vivek sood

Vivek Sood


Vivek Sood: Sydney based managing director of Global Supply Chain Group, a strategy consultancy specializing in supply chains. More information on Vivek is available on  and more information on Global Supply Chain Group is available on 

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Dr. Wolfgang Partsch

Dr. Partsch Wolfgang


Partsch was born in Vienna but spent most of his time in Munich. He came from a natural sciences background with a PhD in Physics and also studied Industrial Dynamics from Jay Forrester. Most of the original thinking, methodologies and  terminology of Supply Chain Management (SCM) were developed by Dr. Partsch and his team in the 1980s. There is a saying in the European supply chain circles – “if Wolfgang does not know it – then it is not worth knowing.’
A maven in the world of Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point, Wolfgang is constantly thinking about the technologies, the economics and the emerging trends in Global Supply Chains. He is now the only active member in the original team of SCM pioneers.

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Part 1


“At the moment less than 20% of the industrial companies have utilized the art of SCM to a degree where they can really benefit adequately. The remainder, more than 80%, are still struggling. They are just beginning, or have no real clue how to do it, or are still sitting on the fence and watching what happens,” says Dr. Partsch

Industrial Companies Utilized
Still Struggling

Life cycle management is a process of managing the entire life cycle of products and services from initial conception, through design, production, use, and disposal. It is an essential part of green supply chain management as it focuses on reducing environmental impact throughout the product’s or service’s entire life cycle. Life Cycle Management (LCM) involves tracking changes in components, materials, and processes during the product lifecycle so that their impacts can be minimized.

In a green supply chain, LCM is used to identify ways to increase resource efficiency while evaluating economic feasibility at each level. It enables companies to measure their environmental performance by calculating energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and waste generated by various activities such as manufacturing processes or transportation. Additionally, LCM helps companies to develop strategies for recycling raw materials and components used in the production process to reduce costs associated with purchasing new ones.

Industrial companies that are utilized in SCM
Industries grown up in last 30-40 years

Competitive Advantage

Achieving a sustainable competitive advantage is the goal of any business. With the increasing importance of environmental concerns and the global effort to reduce our impact on the environment, a green supply chain offers businesses an opportunity to not only become more environmentally friendly but also gain a competitive edge in their industry.

A green supply chain focuses on decreasing environmental waste by streamlining processes and using more eco-friendly products and materials. Companies that can successfully adopt a green supply chain model will benefit from increased efficiency and cost savings, as well as an improved reputation with customers who value sustainability. Additionally, businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors by marketing their green approach to potential consumers. Finally, companies that have adopted green practices are likely to accrue additional benefits such as tax incentives or preferential access to government contracts.

Cost Reduction 

Cost Reduction is an essential part of running a business, and companies of all sizes are always looking for ways to trim expenses. One relatively new method that has proven to be successful is green supply chain management (GSCM). GSCM focuses on reducing the environmental impact associated with producing and delivering goods while also achieving cost savings.

Superior Strategic Decision Making

Companies utilizing GSCM can achieve cost reductions in several areas such as energy, materials, packaging, and transportation. By analyzing the entire production cycle from raw material procurement through delivery to customers, businesses can identify potential savings in resources such as fuel, water, and electricity. Additionally, they can reduce waste by minimizing the number of packaging materials used during shipping or reusing them if possible.
Superior strategic decision-making is an important part of any successful business. It can be the difference between outpacing competitors and simply keeping up. For businesses who want to stay ahead, green supply chain management is a great way to increase efficiency and reduce negative impacts on the environment.

Green supply chain management focuses on reducing waste and conserving natural resources through factors such as efficient energy use, reuse of materials, and careful consideration of raw material sourcing. By incorporating these strategies into their operations, businesses can reduce costs by using fewer resources while simultaneously improving environmental performance. In addition, they benefit from increased customer loyalty due to improved sustainability initiatives.

Improved Product/Service Design and Value

In today’s competitive marketplace, companies must ensure their products and services are designed with value in mind. Improving product service design is one way to gain an edge over competitors and stand out from the crowd. Implementing a green supply chain is one of the best ways to achieve improved product-service design and value.

A green supply chain reduces waste throughout the entire process of creating a product or delivering a service. Companies can reduce their carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources, recycling materials, increasing efficiency, and optimizing production processes. By taking steps towards sustainability within their operations, companies can establish themselves as environmental stewards while driving down operational costs. This leads to cost savings that can be passed onto customers in the form of lower prices or higher quality products or services – adding additional value for them.
For businesses that want to make superior strategic decisions, implementing green supply chain practices is a great way to ensure long-term success while also contributing positively to the planet’s future health.

New Business Opportunities and Markets

The world of business is ever-changing and new opportunities are always emerging. One such opportunity lies in green supply chain initiatives, which can help businesses to become more environmentally conscious while also providing a platform for growth.

Green supply chain management focuses on reducing the environmental impact of a business’s operations by utilizing sustainable practices that minimize waste and emissions. This includes practices such as using renewable energy sources, implementing recycling programs, investing in alternative transportation methods, and adopting eco-friendly production processes. By embracing these measures, businesses can reduce their costs while simultaneously strengthening their corporate social responsibility (CSR) profile in the eyes of customers and other stakeholders. Additionally, green supply chains can open up new markets for businesses looking to capitalize on the growing demand for products made with sustainable materials or produced through eco-friendly processes.

Improved Workplace Culture

Recent studies have shown that companies that implement green supply chain strategies also experience a shift in their workplace culture. This can be attributed to the fact that green initiatives encourage employees to become more mindful of their actions, both inside and outside of the office. As such, these initiatives help promote an attitude of sustainability amongst workers and create workplace cultures that value environmental stewardship.

Green supply chain initiatives often include practices like reducing energy consumption, improving resource management methods, utilizing recycled materials whenever possible, and even implementing waste reduction programs. These types of activities not only help organizations reduce their environmental footprints but also incentivize collaboration between employees and departments as they all work together towards a common goal. Additionally, these initiatives often result in improved morale among staff as everyone takes pride in being part of something bigger than themselves.

Best Risk Management

Better Risk Management is a crucial element of successful business operations. For companies wanting to maximize their ROI, it is essential to recognize the importance of risk management—particularly when it comes to the green supply chain.

Green supply chains are an increasingly popular way for businesses to reduce their environmental impact and save money in the process. By integrating sustainability into every step of the production process, from sourcing materials and energy to packaging and delivery, companies can create a more efficient operation while minimizing waste. However, such processes come with their own set of risks that need to be managed adequately for organizations to ensure they meet their goals.

Thus, having effective risk management practices in place is key when managing a green supply chain.

Logistics Carbon Mangement
Logistics Carbon Management (LCM) is focused on reducing the environmental impacts of supply chain activities. It seeks to minimize energy use, cut emissions and increase the sustainability of operations. With this in mind, LCM aims to provide businesses with a range of options for improving their green supply chains.

The main goals of LCM include optimizing transportation routes, introducing eco-friendly technologies into existing systems, and reducing fuel consumption. Additionally, it strives to improve visibility into carbon emissions across the entire supply chain network. This increased transparency provides businesses with insight into where improvements can be made and helps them take steps toward becoming more sustainable in their processes.

Furthermore, LCM encourages collaboration between stakeholders such as suppliers and customers to identify areas where cost savings can be achieved while also reducing their environmental footprint.

Goals of life cycle management (LCM)

The primary goal of LCM is resource conservation by minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency. This includes reducing inputs such as energy, water, and materials as well as eliminating all negative environmental impacts throughout the supply chain. Additionally, LCM seeks to reduce costs associated with production through innovation and optimization of processes and products while still meeting customer needs. Lastly, it focuses on ensuring compliance with any applicable regulatory requirements related to sustainability practices.

The main goals of LCM that lead to sustainable development are:

  • Minimize toxic waste
  • Minimize raw materials used in producing goods and services
  • Promote recycling and reuse
  • Increase process efficiency
  • Minimize energy intake
  • Increase the use of renewable resources
  • Increase the durability or lifetime of the product
  • Reduce obsolescence

Part 2

Life Cycle Engineering

Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) is an important tool for improving green supply chain management. It encompasses a comprehensive set of techniques that are used to improve the environmental performance of a product or process throughout its life cycle. LCE enables organizations to make informed decisions on how to reduce their environmental footprint at each stage in a product’s lifecycle, from initial design and production, to use, reuse, and end-of-life disposal.

Life Cycle Engineering is an increasingly popular model for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact by using green supply chain methods. This engineering process focuses on the stages of a product’s life cycle, from manufacture to disposal. It emphasizes finding ways to minimize environmental damage associated with each stage of production and distribution.

Green supply chain management

Reuse: This is an operation through which the function and value of products or parts can continue to be used once they have been discarded by users and taken back to collection points by recyclers, distributors or manufacturers.

Reduce: decreases the consumption of material, energy and other natural resources and reduce emission of pollutants while producing or using products

Recycle: recycles energy or material from end-of-life products

Life Cycle Engineering Procurement

It is an integral part of green supply chain management. It involves the entire process from product creation to delivery and ensures that companies meet environmental standards throughout each stage. Life Cycle Engineering Procurement (LCEP) is an extensive system of evaluation and control that increases the level of sustainability in all aspects of a manufacturing process.

The goal of LCEP is to reduce waste and increase efficiency while reducing negative environmental impacts with each step in the supply chain. Companies must take into account energy use, water consumption, packaging materials, transportation methods, production processes, and other factors when making decisions about their supply chain management. With LCEP, a comprehensive approach to evaluating every element helps ensure that businesses are consistently creating products with as little negative environmental impact as possible.

LCE Materials Preparation

LCE Materials Preparation is a significant stage at which both the obtainment and creation are similarly involved. Not very many side-effects or byproducts from different cycles will be accessible in such a structure that they can promptly substitute a current natural substance. Hence extra handling and maybe even capital speculations will be expected to complete materials planning. This will to some degree dissolve the possible investment funds from reuse and reuse. Be that as it may, the natural and cost reserve funds are still predominantly sure in many occurrences.

LCE and production

Life cycle engineering and production is an important parts of a green supply chain. It involves optimizing the entire life cycle of a product, from design and production to use, recycling, and disposal. The goal is to minimize environmental impact while ensuring maximum efficiency and quality in the end product.

This process begins with product design and manufacturing processes that reduce waste generation or resource consumption throughout the entire life cycle. For example, using lightweight materials like aluminum can reduce energy needs for transportation as well as fuel costs for consumers. Additionally, manufacturers may also select components that are non-toxic or recyclable to further reduce their negative impacts on the environment.

In addition to minimizing resource usage during production processes, life cycle engineering also focuses on increasing the reuse of products at the end of their life cycles through recycling or remanufacturing practices.

LCE Distribution

Life cycle engineering and distribution is an essential parts of the green supply chain. It helps to ensure that materials used in the production process have been sustainably sourced, while also reducing the amount of energy used in transportation and storage. Through life cycle engineering and distribution, companies have access to more efficient ways of managing their resources and distributing their products.

The main goal of life cycle engineering is to minimize waste throughout each stage of production. This includes things like streamlining processes, reusing components between products, or repurposing old materials into new ones. Doing this eliminates unnecessary costs associated with shipping and storing materials that would otherwise be discarded during production. Additionally, by making sure that all aspects of the supply chain are as efficient as possible, companies can reduce their carbon footprint significantly.

LCE use

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on using LCE as part of green supply chain initiatives due to its ability to consider the whole life cycle of products and processes – from cradle to grave. The principles behind LCE are designed with sustainability in mind, incorporating energy efficiency and waste reduction methods into each step of product development and usage. This helps companies minimize their impact on the environment while also improving operational efficiencies.

LCE and end of life

Life Cycle Engineering is a process that has been embraced by many companies in the global market. By taking into account the entire lifecycle of products and services, from conception to production to eventual disposal or recycling, companies are able to dramatically reduce their environmental impact and make their businesses more sustainable. Life cycle engineering plays an integral role in creating green supply chains, as it allows for waste reduction, energy conservation, and pollution prevention throughout the life of a product or service. The end-of-life stage of any product’s life cycle is especially important when considering sustainability efforts. For example, if products cannot be recycled or reused at their end-of-life stage then this can lead to additional costs associated with disposal as well as increased emissions due to incineration or landfill use.

Life cycle costing

Life Cycle Costing is a key component of green supply chain management. It is an important tool that helps businesses to identify and reduce the total cost of ownership of their products, services, and activities over their entire life cycles. Life cycle costing considers all costs associated with acquiring, operating, maintaining, and disposing of an item or activity from cradle to grave.
The principles of life cycle costing are based on sustainability practices that assess not only the initial purchase price but also the true costs associated with acquisition, use, and disposal throughout its life cycle. This approach can help organizations achieve their environmental goals by providing information about the full cost implications for decisions made in each business activity, such as raw material sourcing, production process optimization, and transportation planning. The insights obtained from life cycle costing can be used to create more efficient processes and deliver significant savings while reducing environmental impacts.
The costs examined are as follows:

  • Procurement costs incurred when the product is initially acquired
  • Operational costs incurred during its operational life
  • Maintenance costs ( or service charges) are the costs of maintaining the product in a working state during its useful life.
  • Disposal costs are the cost of disposing it at the end of its life.

LCC, therefore, helps management to make an informed decision when different options are being considered.

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