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Higher levels of trust are required for more strategic partners

In the current global supply chain, trust is a crucial element for fostering strategic partnerships.
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Global Supply Chain Group - vivek BWVivek Sood: Sydney based managing director of Global Supply Chain Group, a strategy consultancy specializing in supply chains. More information on Vivek is available on and more information on Global Supply Chain Group is available 

Vivek is the Managing Director of Global Supply Chain Group, a boutique strategy consulting firm specialising in Supply Chain Strategies, and headquartered in Sydney, Australia . He has over 24 years of experience in strategic transformations and operational excellence within global supply chains. Prior to co-founding Global Supply Chain Group in January 2000, Vivek was a management consultant with top-tier strategy consulting firm Booz Allen & Hamilton.

Vivek provides strategic operations and supply chain advice to boards and senior management of global corporations, private equity groups and other stakeholders in a range of industries including FMCG, food, shipping, logistics, manufacturing, chemicals, mining, agribusiness, construction materials, explosives, airlines and electricity utilities.

Vivek has served world-wide corporations in nearly 500 small and large projects on all continents with a variety of clients in many different industries. Most of projects have involved diagnostic, conceptualisation and transformation of supply chains – releasing significant amount of value for the business. His project work in supply chain management has added cumulative value in excess of $500M incorporating projects in major supply chain infrastructure investment decisions, profitable growth driven by global supply chain realignment, supply chain systems, negotiations and all other aspects of global supply chains.

Vivek has written a number of path breaking articles and commentaries that are published in several respected journals and magazines. Vivek has spoken at several supply chain conference, forums and workshops in various parts of the world. He has also conducted several strategic workshops on various aspects of supply chain management. He received his MBA with Distinction from the Australian Graduate School of Management in 1996 and prior to these studies spent 11 years in the Merchant Navy, rising from a Cadet to Master Mariner.

More information on Vivek is available on  and more information on Global Supply Chain Group is available on

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Establishing trust is a critical component of any business relationship, but it takes on added significance when it comes to strategic partnerships. Companies looking to form more substantial relationships with their partners must focus on building higher levels of trust that extend beyond mere transactional interactions.

Trust is the foundation upon which all successful business partnerships are built. Without it, there can be no meaningful collaboration or mutual benefit. Strategic partnerships require even greater degrees of trust than ordinary business relationships because they involve more significant risks and rewards.

Businesses seeking to establish more strategic partnerships must invest in building stronger relationships with their potential partners by demonstrating reliability, transparency, and shared values. By doing so, they can create a mutually beneficial partnership that drives growth and innovation for both parties involved.

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Why is trust so important in a business relationship?

Trust is a crucial factor in any business relationship, but even more so when it comes to strategic partnerships. These types of relationships involve a deeper level of collaboration and mutual reliance than typical vendor-customer arrangements. As such, higher levels of trust are required to ensure the success and longevity of these partnerships.

Firstly, trust allows for open communication between partners. In strategic partnerships where goals and strategies are shared, effective communication is key for alignment and decision-making. Without trust, there may be hesitancy or reluctance to share information or opinions openly which can lead to misunderstandings or missed opportunities.

Secondly, trust enables partners to rely on one another. In strategic partnerships where there is interdependence, reliability becomes essential for meeting deadlines and delivering quality work.

Pros and Cons


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In today’s business world, strategic partnerships are crucial for the growth and success of companies. However, not all partnerships are created equal. To achieve higher levels of success and reap the pros of a strategic partner, a high level of trust must be established.

When partnering with another company or organization, it’s essential to have mutual goals and a shared vision for the future. This requires open communication, transparency, and trust between both parties. Without these key elements in place, any partnership is destined to fail.


Furthermore, strategic partnerships require a certain level of commitment from both sides. It’s not just about making deals or exchanging services; it’s about building long-term relationships that can withstand challenges and changes in the market. When you invest in creating strong bonds with your partners based on honesty and integrity, you’ll reap the benefits by gaining access to new markets or technologies that can propel your business forward.


In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, companies are increasingly looking for strategic partners to help them achieve their goals. However, as partnerships become more complex and involve larger investments of time and resources, it is becoming clear that higher levels of trust are required to succeed.

One of the biggest cons of working with strategic partners is the risk involved. Whether it’s a financial investment or an intellectual property agreement, there is always a chance that things won’t go according to plan. This is why both parties need to establish a high level of trust early on in the partnership process.


Another potential con of working with strategic partners is the need for alignment. When two companies come together, they may have different priorities or ways of doing things. This can create conflicts if not addressed properly from the outset.

What is the role of trust in strategic alliances?

Trust is an essential factor in every business relationship, but it becomes even more crucial when it comes to strategic alliances. In a world where companies are constantly seeking ways to expand their reach and gain a competitive edge, forming effective partnerships is key. However, without trust, these partnerships may not achieve the desired results and could even end up being detrimental to both parties involved.

One of the main reasons why trust is so important in strategic alliances is that these relationships often involve sharing sensitive information such as trade secrets or customer data. Without a high level of trust between partners, this information could be misused or leaked, leading to significant consequences for both companies involved. Additionally, strong levels of trust enable partners to work together more efficiently and effectively toward common goals.

To build higher levels of trust in strategic alliances, companies need to focus on transparency and honesty throughout the partnership.

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In today’s competitive business landscape, partnerships are essential to help companies achieve their goals. However, not all partnerships are created equal. For more strategic partnerships, higher levels of trust are required to ensure success.

The importance of trust in a partnership cannot be overstated. Without it, communication becomes strained and decision-making becomes difficult. A lack of trust can also lead to missed opportunities and potential financial losses for both parties involved.

To build trust in a strategic partnership, both parties must have a clear understanding of each other’s goals and values. It’s also important to communicate openly and honestly about expectations and any potential issues that may arise. By establishing mutual respect and transparency from the outset, both parties can work together seamlessly towards shared objectives. Ultimately, investing in building strong levels of trust with your partners is an investment in the long-term success of your business.


In today’s fast-paced business world, strategic partnerships are becoming increasingly important for companies to achieve their goals. However, when it comes to building such partnerships, trust plays a crucial role. Higher levels of trust are required for more strategic partners.

The reason why trust is so important in these relationships is because it lays the foundation for collaboration and effective communication. Without trust, partners may hesitate to share ideas or resources, which can lead to missed opportunities and slowed progress toward shared goals. Additionally, when there is a lack of trust between partners, it becomes difficult for them to align on purpose and vision – two key factors that drive successful partnerships.


As companies look to build lasting strategic relationships with other businesses or organizations in their industry, they must prioritize cultivating trust from the outset.

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  1. Increased Transparency: Transparency is key to preventing corruption. Unions can establish clear rules and public procedures for financial management and ensure that union leaders are accountable for their actions. Members should have access to financial records, and audits should be conducted regularly to identify any irregularities.
  2. Education and Training: Education and training programs can help union members and leaders understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as the consequences of corruption. These programs can cover topics such as conflict of interest, financial management, and ethical behaviour.
  3. Enforcement of Laws and Regulations: Laws and regulations that govern union activities should be enforced rigorously. Unions should work closely with government agencies to ensure compliance with labour laws and regulations.
  4. Democratic Elections: Elections within unions should be free, fair, and transparent. Members should have the right to vote without fear of intimidation or retaliation. Unions should also establish procedures for the removal of corrupt officials.
  5. Whistle-blower Protections: Whistle-blowers play an important role in exposing corruption. Unions should establish procedures for whistle-blowers to report corruption without fear of retaliation..


In conclusion, unions are organizations that represent groups of employees within a company or industry to negotiate on their behalf with employers on employment-related matters. They negotiate collective bargaining agreements outlining terms and conditions of employment. Unions provide workers with collective bargaining power, job security, legal representation, and advocate for workplace safety regulations. However, they also have cons such as union dues, conflicts with management, limited individual negotiation, and slower decision-making. With the use of democratic elections and increased practise of transparency can weed out corruption within the union.

In today’s complex business world, companies need to build strategic partnerships to remain competitive. However, not all partnerships are created equal. The most successful partnerships require higher levels of trust between the partners. In this article, we’ll explore why trust is essential for strategic partnerships and how companies can build it.

Firstly, trust is essential in a strategic partnership because partners need to be able to rely on each other. When partners have a high level of trust, they can work together more efficiently and effectively. They can share information and resources without fear that their partner will misuse them or take advantage of their position. This allows both parties to focus on achieving common goals rather than worrying about hidden agendas or ulterior motives.

 Secondly, building trust requires time and effort from both parties involved in the partnership.



The global supply chain of products is an immense and complex system. It involves the movement of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption, with intermediate steps that involve resources, materials and services to transport them. A supply chain encompasses activities such as purchasing, production, distribution and marketing in order to satisfy customer demands. Companies rely on a well-managed supply chain to meet their business goals by providing quality products and services at competitive prices.

Efficiently managing a global supply chain requires considerable effort, particularly when dealing with multiple suppliers located around the world. Complex logistics tracking systems are needed to monitor product movements from one place to another. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) can help companies keep track of shipments across different locations for greater visibility into their processes.

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Chief Operating Officer Graphite Energy

I have experience with many of the well-known top-tier strategy firms but chose Global Supply Chain to support me on my supply chain projects. They always meet and exceed my expectations due to the quality of the work, the ability to work collaboratively with internal teams, and the flexibility to adjust the project approach when required.

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CEO - Large Global transnational corporation From: FOREWORD - OUTSOURCING 3.0

When I engaged Vivek’s services for supply chain transformation in one of the companies I was heading, we expected the careful and methodical approach that he was famous for... I was pleased to note that the original target set for 3 years was surpassed by almost 70% in just 18 months.

global supply chain group

Vice-President Supply Chain Asia Pacific

I have used their services for several business transformations and workshops in many companies. Each time an outstanding workshop and project result was delivered ensuring the success of the business transformation project. Savings surpassed $25 Million per annum in one case. Very powerful ideas, were implemented very diligently.

Global Supply Chain Group - Jean Briac Le Dean

Jean-Briac Le Dean
Co-Founder & Agen

Vivek is a very collaborative and open leader who leads teams by example. Whether internal teams, or clients teams, all are impressed by his intensity, energy level and drive to make things a little better.

Global Supply Chain Group - Lorna Calder Johnson

Lorna Calder Johnson
Omni-Channel Product Marketing
P & L Executive

Vivek's transformation expertise is apparent from his results and dedication to operations and supply chains. His strategic expertise, knowledge and network make him a standout even among an excellent team.

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