Maximizing Business Transformation: An Effective Approach with Value vs Complexity Prioritization

The global supply chain is an integral component for businesses of all sizes and industries. In order to maximize business transformation, there must be an effective approach that prioritizes value
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Optimising business transformation in operations involves prioritizing initiatives based on their expected value and complexity, using a value vs complexity matrix to maximize benefits and minimize risks.

Table of Contents

What is Business transformation?

Business transformation refers to the process of fundamentally changing the way a company operates in order to improve its performance and competitiveness. One key area of focus for business transformation is the supply chain, which plays a critical role in enabling companies to deliver products and services to customers efficiently and effectively.


Supply chain transformation involves a comprehensive review and analysis of all the processes and systems involved in sourcing, procurement, production, and distribution of goods and services. The goal is to identify areas where improvements can be made to streamline operations, reduce costs, improve quality, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Some key steps involved in supply chain transformation:

  1. Define the business strategy and objectives: The first step in any transformation process is to clearly define the business strategy and objectives. This includes understanding the company’s goals, target markets, competitive landscape, and customer needs. The supply chain strategy must align with the overall business strategy and be designed to support the company’s growth and profitability goals.
  2. Assess the current supply chain: The next step is to conduct a thorough assessment of the current supply chain. This includes mapping out all the processes and systems involved in the supply chain, analysing performance metrics, and identifying areas where improvements can be made.
  3. Design the new supply chain: Based on the assessment, the next step is to design the new supply chain. This involves reengineering processes, redesigning systems, and implementing new technologies and tools to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience.
  4. Implement the new supply chain: Once the new supply chain has been designed, the next step is to implement it. This involves training staff, setting up new systems and processes, and integrating new technologies and tools into the supply chain.
  5. Monitor and optimize performance: The final step in the transformation process is to monitor and optimize performance. This includes setting up performance metrics to track progress, analysing data to identify areas where further improvements can be made, and making continuous adjustments to the supply chain to ensure it is meeting the company’s objectives.
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Some key benefits of supply chain transformation include:

  1. Improved efficiency: By streamlining processes and implementing new technologies and tools, companies can significantly improve the efficiency of their supply chain operations. This can help to reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve overall business performance.
  2. Enhanced customer experience: A well-designed supply chain can help to improve the customer experience by ensuring products and services are delivered on time and in good condition. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Greater agility: A flexible and adaptable supply chain can help companies respond quickly to changes in demand, supply chain disruptions, and other market conditions. This can help to improve the company’s competitiveness and ability to succeed in an increasingly dynamic and unpredictable business environment.

Need for business transformation using supply chain

Business transformation using supply chain is becoming increasingly important for companies as they face growing pressure to stay competitive, reduce costs, and meet the changing needs of customers. Here are some key reasons why businesses need to undergo supply chain transformation:


  1. Increase Efficiency and Productivity: A well-designed supply chain can help companies to optimize their operations and increase efficiency and productivity. By streamlining processes, reducing waste, and improving logistics, businesses can lower their costs, improve their delivery times, and gain a competitive advantage.
  2. Improve Customer Experience: Customer expectations are continually rising, and companies that fail to meet these expectations risk losing business. By improving their supply chain operations, companies can ensure that their products and services are delivered on time and in good condition, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Reduce Risk: Supply chain disruptions can have a significant impact on a company’s operations and bottom line. By implementing more robust and resilient supply chain processes, companies can reduce the risk of disruptions and ensure that they can quickly recover from any issues that do arise.
  4. Embrace Innovation: Technology is transforming supply chain operations, and companies that fail to keep up risk falling behind. By adopting new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and blockchain, companies can improve their supply chain operations, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge.
  5. Stay Ahead of Competitors: As companies operate in an increasingly competitive environment, supply chain transformation can be a key differentiator. By optimizing their operations and providing superior customer service, companies can stay ahead of their competitors and attract and retain customers.
  6. Respond to Changes in the Business Environment: The business environment is continually evolving, and companies that fail to adapt risk becoming irrelevant. By embracing supply chain transformation, companies can respond quickly to changes in demand, technology, and market conditions, and position themselves for long-term success.

In this project

The challenges faced by our client were diverse and affecting their profitability. Their business planning was not optimized, which resulted in inefficient allocation of resources and inability to maximize revenue opportunities. Their contract management process was not streamlined, leading to contract disputes, delays in project completion, and revenue leakage. Labor management was also inefficient, causing delays, increased labor costs, and reduced productivity. Production management was not adequately planned, leading to delays in production, stock-outs, and wastage of resources. The MRP system was not functioning optimally, which resulted in inefficient production planning and stock management.


To address these challenges and improve the overall performance of the client’s business, we undertook multiple projects simultaneously. Our approach involved analyzing each of the problematic areas to identify the root cause of the inefficiencies. We then worked closely with the client to develop and implement customized solutions to address each of the identified challenges.


Our business planning project involved analyzing the client’s business processes to optimize resource allocation, improve forecasting accuracy, and reduce costs. The contract management project involved streamlining the contract review and approval process, developing contract templates, and implementing contract management software. We also implemented a labor management system that included an automated time and attendance system, performance monitoring tools, and labor cost analysis. For production management, we implemented a planning system that optimized the production process, ensured timely delivery of products, and reduced wastage. Finally, we implemented an MRP system that enabled the client to optimize their inventory management and reduce stock-outs.


For understanding which projects can have the best impact on operation and cost we divided the projects into four quadrants. Value vs complexity prioritization is a technique used by businesses to prioritize their initiatives or projects based on their potential value and complexity. The approach involves plotting each project or initiative on a graph with value on the y-axis and complexity on the x-axis.

The value vs complexity graph is divided into four quadrants:Global Supply Chain Group - Analysis

  1. High Value, Low Complexity: Projects or initiatives in this quadrant offer the most significant potential value with relatively low levels of complexity. These initiatives are generally quick wins or low-hanging fruit and are the most attractive to businesses.
  2. High Value, High Complexity: Projects or initiatives in this quadrant offer high potential value but are also complex and require significant resources and effort to implement. Businesses may pursue these initiatives if they believe that the potential returns justify the investment of time, resources, and effort.
  3. Low Value, Low Complexity: Projects or initiatives in this quadrant have low potential value, but they are relatively easy to implement. These initiatives may be pursued by businesses if they are relatively low cost and can be completed quickly.
  4. Low Value, High Complexity: Projects or initiatives in this quadrant have low potential value and are also complex to implement. These initiatives are generally the least attractive to businesses and are often avoided altogether.

The value vs complexity prioritization approach allows businesses to prioritize their initiatives based on their potential value and the effort required to implement them.


Once the projects have been segregated into the four quadrants of value vs complexity prioritization, the next step is to prioritize the projects for implementation.

The first category of projects to prioritize are the ones in the “Quick Wins” quadrant. These are projects that offer high value returns and are relatively easy to implement. By completing these projects first, the business can quickly realize benefits while investing a minimal amount of resources. For example, this could involve implementing a new software tool that improves efficiency or streamlining a particular process to save time and money.


The second category of projects to prioritize are those in the “Slow and Easy” quadrant. These projects may be more complex to implement than quick wins, but they still offer high value returns. By investing additional resources in these projects, the business can achieve significant returns while minimizing risks. For example, this could involve implementing a new marketing strategy that targets a specific customer segment or developing a new product line.


The third category of projects to prioritize are the ones in the “Hard Nuts” quadrant. These projects are time-consuming and complex to implement, and may not offer immediate value returns. However, they may still be critical to the long-term success of the business. By investing resources in these projects, the business can create a foundation for sustained growth and profitability. For example, this could involve restructuring the organization, developing a new product technology, or entering a new market.


By prioritizing the projects in this manner, the business can optimize their use of resources while realizing maximum benefits. This approach ensures that the business focuses on high-value projects that are aligned with their strategic objectives, while also taking into account the level of effort required to implement each project. By taking a deliberate and strategic approach to project prioritization, the business can achieve sustained success and growth over the long term.


In conclusion, effective project prioritization is essential for businesses to achieve their strategic objectives, optimize resource allocation, and maximize returns. Value vs complexity prioritization is a powerful tool that can help businesses to segregate their projects based on their expected value and complexity, and prioritize them for implementation. By completing the “Quick Wins” first, businesses can quickly realize benefits while investing a minimal amount of resources. This can be followed by the “Slow and Easy” quadrant, which offers high-value returns but requires more resources and effort to implement. Finally, the “Hard Nuts” quadrant should be addressed to ensure sustained growth and profitability, even if they may not offer immediate value returns.

Project prioritization using value vs complexity matrix provides a structured approach that helps businesses to focus on the projects that will deliver maximum benefits while minimizing risks. By taking a deliberate and strategic approach to project prioritization, businesses can achieve sustained success and growth over the long term.

Key learnings

  1. Prioritizing projects based on their expected value and complexity can help businesses optimize their use of resources and maximize returns.
  2. By completing the “Quick Wins” first, businesses can quickly realize benefits while investing a minimal amount of resources.
  3. The “Slow and Easy” quadrant offers high-value returns but requires more resources and effort to implement.
  4. The “Hard Nuts” quadrant should be addressed to ensure sustained growth and profitability, even if they may not offer immediate value returns.
  5. Taking a deliberate and strategic approach to project prioritization can help businesses achieve sustained success and growth over the long term.
  6. Businesses should regularly review and adjust their project prioritization based on changes in their strategic objectives and market conditions.

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