The 5-STAR Business Network - Make Your Business Network Great

In his book The 5-STAR Business Network (, Vivek Sood mentions the concept of synchronicity, and focus on Carl Jung’s perception of it. The concept of synchronicity has a specific definition in Carl Jung’s mind.

In his book The 5-STAR Business Network (, Vivek Sood mentions the concept of synchronicity, and focus on Carl Jung’s perception of it.

The concept of synchronicity has a specific definition in Carl Jung’s mind.

For him, it is a causal connection of two or more psycho-physic phenomena. He started to use this word in the 1920s to describe two or more casually unrelated events happening together in a meaningful way.

Although we could write pages on this concept, a short definition would be a coincidence that is not senseless. Carl Jung observed this phenomenon on a patient for the first time.

A patient dreamt about a golden scarab, and the next day, the same insect hit his cabinet’s window. The question that comes up with this kind of situation is:

Was the relationship between the events random or was there some hidden force?

The concept of synchronicity has evolved through the 20th century and many studies exist about it, with many theories and explanations.

However, this is Carl Jung’s thought in which we are interested. Indeed, his vision of meaningful coincidence is what I think happens with business relationships.

Synchronicity is what enables our business networks to expand and to create more value.

To pursue his work, Jung started to collaborate with Wolfgang Pauli. This collaboration lasted for several decades, making conjectures about synchronicity.

While accretion and synergy are two other concepts that create value, synchronicity is the best. Indeed, synchronicity provides even more multiplied effects than synergy, whereas we usually think synergies are the best we can achieve.

Global business networks can become very valuable because of synchronicity power. While synergy provides a good value (2 + 2 = 5, whereas with accretion 2 + 2 = 4), synchronicity is the most valuable. Its mathematical principle is described as follows: 2 + 2 = 22. This is the power contained in this concept.

Therefore, you must focus on this concept to develop your business networks and make it more valuable than by using simple synergies or accretion.

Visualization, if not faith, is compulsory to be able to understand this concept and make it work for you.

Besides, the concept of synchronicity relies on key principles that may not be available for anyone. In fact, it is all about abundance of outcomes based on wisdom, creativity and cooperative effort.

This is the cornerstone of the value of synchronicity.

Consequently, business networks are great and work successfully for your business when synchronicity is the main ingredient.

This is the most powerful ingredient that can help you build a great business network. However, this is still a matter of coincidences, although they are meaningful.

In fact, the economic metaphor that can be utilized for synchronicity strategy is the free networks.

Accretion relies on free markets. When your strategy evolves to improve the outcomes, through synergies, the appropriate term is “managed markets”.

Then, the best strategy, which includes synchronicity, leads to free networks, which is much more significant and valuable than free markets or managed markets.

Thus, step-by-step, you can improve your business strategy, using your business network and gradually implementing strategies of synchronicity. Synchronicity will create the best value through a great business network.

by Anais Lelong

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