Global Supply Chain

Boutique Consulting In Global Supply Chain Governance & Strategy

What we do at global supply chain group

What We Do at global supply chain Group?

What we do at Global Supply chain group

We strengthen your profitability from within your supply chain.

All profits are under constant attack from suppliers, competitors, customers and many other directions. See this infographic for more details.

The BIG QUESTION is – How could you assess your company’s capability to resist these attacks?

The surest way to know is to conduct a 2-4 week diagnostic – almost in every case the people were surprised with the story that the data told.

If you already have a good read of your sales staff and operations, you can economise significantly by identifying the symptoms described below in your own mini-diagnostic (these graphics were prepared after studying hundreds of organizations):

How Do We Do All This?

We identify vulnerable attack points, strengthen capability to prevail, and build strong defenses. We also create and implement strategic thrusts that tilt the supply chain game in your favour.

We specialise in profitable business transformations using Supply Chain Management to create leverage and impetus for change. This powerful methodology creates a Business-to-Business Network that allows you to transcend traditional strategic barriers to business transformation with panache and elegance.

What Is The Net Impact Of This Methodology?

Take a look at the figure below:

Global Supply Chain Group - sc margin

In a study of 1,200 top global companies’ performance over the 5 year period (2007-2012), the average margin of the companies with Supply Chain 3.0 was nearly 5 times the average margin of the companies with Supply Chain 1.0 or less.
In other words, by not adopting these best practices, an average company is losing a margin potential of up to 80.2%.

Why Is This Allowed To Happen?

In Our Humble Estimate, These Companies Are Too Busy Fighting Urgent Day-To-Day Fires And Have No Bandwidth Available To Focus Systematically On The Important Business Transformation Issues.

Do You Want To Estimate Of How Much Margin Your Company Could Be Losing As A Result Of A Leaky Supply Chain? If You Want A Professional Opinion, Please Arrange A Confidential Discussion With Us.

Just like you, we like to make a positive difference.


Our Clients say it better than we ever could:


Our Clients come from a variety of industries – yet they have a common element. They rarely rest on their laurels, and are always looking to do better.


In the last 20 years we have completed more than 500 projects. Click below to see a sample of our projects.

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Dr. Wolfgang Partsch