If you want to try the same methods, you will need supply chain mastery to grow your our Company, or at least someone who has supply chain mastery with you.
What is driving the need for change in your company, and what is the vision for a changed organization?
Within the new vision, what are the trade-offs – between costs and service levels, between various drivers of costs, and between customers’ preferences and how to make those trade-offs profitably?
Only Data Reveals the Overall Picture and Clarifies the Confusion
For this reason, when I wrote the book The 5-STAR Business Network, our team did a 6-year longitudinal study of the top 1,200 corporations around the world. There were other reasons why this study was conducted – which are given in Chapter 14 of the book.
End-to-end Supply Chains are vast entities. Without full understanding of the complete picture, it is quite possible to create more problems than solutions.
Our operational backgrounds, our top level supply chain experience as well as our continued thought leadership in this arena results in a strong knowledge base.
Everyone says they learned vital life skills from the sports they played while growing up. So why do we forget playful learning in the workplace?
Some people believe that corporate learning should be a serious affair. They are no room for frivolity. You cannot learn anything from fun and games. They might even say that playing games are for kids.